Monday, 17 October 2016

10 Dead Economists Who Deserve a Nobel Prize

Saw this somewhere and deem it fit to post.

A Nobel in economics was ever so awarded posthumously, although William Vickrey died very soon after it was announced that he won it in 1996. He died before the December ceremonies in Stockholm.
Anyway, Reuvain’s question got me to thinking: What if unlimited posthumous economic Nobel awards were possible? Who are the ten now-dead, non-laureate economists who I believe would be most deserving. My idiosyncrasies will be evident in my list:
  1. Adam Smith (of course, and not just because his is the single most famous name in all of economics)
  2. David Ricardo
  3. Carl Menger
  4. Alfred Marshall
  5. Ludwig von Mises
  6. Frank Knight
  7. Aaron Director
  8. Armen Alchian
  9. Gordon Tullock
  10. Julian Simon
The hardest name to leave off of this list of ten is a tie between Joseph Schumpeter and Knut Wicksell; a name that was quite easy to leave off is John Maynard Keynes.


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